

A short passage from the introduction of Common positional play 4:
So when I wrote this series I kept asking the question: what to do with the combinations, what to do
with the relation between positional play and combinative play? I wasn’t sure about this, so I kept
them separated for the time being. At a certain point I had the idea to alternatively create a whole new
series: Common Combinative Play. I discussed this with Lambert-Jan Koops and that had a positive
outcome: Lambert-Jan quickly imagined how to go about this. Even better: he produced one chapter
after the other. The reader now looks at the result: in CPP 4 positional play and combinative play
beautifully come together. In CCP 4 most of the work by far was put in by Lambert-Jan, but
considering that I also contributed something, I still dare to put my name on the cover after
deliberation with Lambert-Jan. Anyhow: Lambert-Jan and I once again have the ambition to add
something to the draughts literature and the way of thinking about draughts training with this book.
Naturally we believe that CCP 4 is suitable for this series, there is more than enough positional play in
this part, only now in continuous practical relation to combinations. That is the game practice as well
after all! We therefore try to discuss all sorts of combinations in relation to positional play. We also try
to implement some level of systematics:

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Svars 200 g
Dimensijas 17 × 12 × 1 cm