You can make a horseshoe of happiness out of any vicious circle

‘Only those who willingly go to fight can win.’ P.A.Stolypin.
You can forge your own horseshoe of happiness out of any difficult situations. You just need to take the desire, turn it into a will and go to the purpose. This shows us the Russian Draughts Championship in international draughts in Pokrovskoye.
And let the living conditions leave much to be desired. And we would also like the national championships to be held at least in hotel complexes of a higher prestigious level. But… still, there is a positive moment.
The first thing to note is the appearance and use of a new draw program. It was created in the current harsh conditions, and its appearance and testing has become only a matter of time and a task for execution. And there are a lot of performers in the IT field in Russian draughts.
Now that the new draw program will be tested, it will give a noticeable advantage for refereeing, both within the country and within the subjects. It will also set the task of creating a unified electronic register of players, referees and organizers.
Let’s ask the representatives of the Western draughts community one more time – who benefited from the bans?
And while we are waiting for answers or coming up with them, we suggest you watch the results of the Russian championship among men and women:
Men Classic / Men Rapid / Men Blitz /
Women Classic / Women Rapid / Women Blitz /