What is unusual in Salou this year?

This year, a traditional tournament is being held in Salou. Previously, it attracted almost all the strongest draughts players in the world. What is happening now and what has become conspicuous? Let’s talk about our thoughts.
So Saloy-2023. The squad has significantly thinned and against the background of the absence of players from Russia and the Republic of Belarus, another obvious trend has emerged. The strongest Dutch players from the top ten do not come to the second tournament. The Dutch did not field players in Israel at the World Blitz Championship, almost the fourth squad was sent to the European Championship, which will be held in June, and now we do not see at Salou, except for Meijer, Hein and Stokkel, Jos the strongest players of the country.
Considering that very “active” and very proud federations, which only strengthen the split in the draughts world, will not have money, as well as a development plan, then in the future we will probably be able to observe the collapse of FMJD. There is reason to think that the conflict and the lack of money, the lack of organizers in the FMJD itself, will turn this organization into a big unnecessary mechanism that will be easier to part with. But on the other hand, some proud and small federations will be able to try on a draughts crown almost hourly.
We’ll see. We’ll wait.
In the meantime, the results of the tournament here