The World Championship in international draughts near Warsaw (Rapid)

An unpleasant aftertaste remained after the tournaments near Warsaw. On the one hand we are very happy for Jelena Chesnokova, who after a long break once again showed a high level of play and deservedly won.
But at the same time two events occurred that we will focus on only in passing.
The first one: In the World Cup and in the tournament of the World Rapid draughts championship, contractual games took place again. Both in the first case (where the fate of the winner of the stage was decided) and in the second (in which the place in the top three was decided) no one stopped the players and did not even make a remark to them. And as long as this continues (and it will continue), it is not necessary to talk about any commercial development, as well as about the competitiveness of draughts among other sports.
The second one: The second case is egregious. Two players who were sent to the World Cup for public money simply did not show up for the round due to the simple consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is unknown whether they will be punished at least in some way. After all, a representative of the Federation representing athletes can only punish children under the age of 15. But he can’t talk like an adult (to do this you need to change the hysteric and the neurotic inside yourself).
And so, you can see the results again by following the links: Women I Men