Black and white stripes of the European Championships


The FMJD structure is morally outdated and ceases to meet even the elementary requirements for competitions. The position taken by the leadership does not meet modern realities and does not contribute to the development of draughts in the world.

The women’s composition of the last European Championship speaks for itself. 9 women in rapid and 7 women in blitz is just a mockery of the title of European champion. The black stripe in the compositions of the last championships has nothing to do (or only indirectly has to do) with the political situation. This is simply an excuse for the inability to organize an elementary process and the inability to negotiate and look for alternative solutions.

“Our sport is dying!” – many draughts players have already declared. It passes into the category of simple board games without a commercial basis and the opportunity to find a sponsor. Inept leadership and overestimated political and selfish ambitions of the leadership can lead to the final collapse. Maybe this black stripe will end someday. But we are looking forward to the World Team Championship in Curacao. All the teams will definitely get there (it’s not like coming to Europe for the European Championship).

However, there is also a white stripe. This is a victory of Jan Groenendijk in two programs. The young and talented Jan proves his ability to play in any conditions and with any opponents. And this white stripe of youth, we hope, will still retain the desire to take part in world draughts forums.

Men:  Rapid  I  Blitz

Women:   Rapid  I  Blitz


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