When playing light, and the quality suffers! Fragments of ridiculous mistakes.


The last stage of the “Draughts League 2022” turned out to be calm and without sensations. The Lithuanian team arrived with the weakest composition, and in the Chameleon team there was a strengthening as Guntars Purvinsh – one of the leaders of the Latvian draughts 64 team. The Estonian team remained true to itself and did not make drastic changes in the composition.

At this stage, a kind of “shifters” were popular. Positions were turned over at one moment and the result changed very often in the opposite direction. Perhaps the last stage and the New Year mood finally relaxed the attention of the participants. Because of this, the number of the worst mistakes increased significantly and the quality of the game was at a low level. And yet we offer a few fragments to your attention.

Let’s move on to the examples.

A. Laidvee (DK ” Jogeva”) – M. Juhnevics (DK “Avotu 51”)  1.game, 1. round  (a3-b4 h8-a3) 2:0

Two opponents are two variants of the same opening, but unfortunately losing. In this draw, both players never found the right solution. We will provide both examples for a little experience to other players, especially beginners who are just taking their first steps to the “big” table of openings.

So the first game is fast.

1. b4-c5 d6:b4 2. c3:a5 f6-g5 3. g3-h4 g7-f6 4. f2-g3 e7-d6 5. b2-c3 d8-e7.

A. Laidvee (DK ” Jogeva”) – M. Juhnevics (DK “Avotu 51”)  1.game, 1. round

After the first five moves, Black’s position is absolutely lost! It remains to spend the rest of the time correctly.

6. a1-b2 d6-c5 7. c3-d4 e7-d6 8. g3-f4 c5-b4 9. a5:c3 d6-e510. f4:d6 c7:e5 11. h2-g3 b8-c7 12. g3-f4 e5:g3 13. h4:f2 b6-a5 14. d4-e5 f6:d4 15. c3:e5 g5-h416. b2-c3 f8-e7 17. e3-f4 e7-d6 18. g1-h2

M. Juhnevics (DK “Avotu 51”) – A. Laidvee (DK “Jogeva”) 2.game, 1.round (a3-b4 h8-a3)   2:0

1. b4-a5 d6-e5 2. c3-d4 e5:c3 3. b2:d4 b6-c5 4. d4:b6 a7:c5 5. e3-f4 c7-d6.

And again, after the 5th move, the position is difficult to fix. But black, following the tradition of the first game, loses immediately.

M. Juhnevics (DK “Avotu 51”) – A. Laidvee (DK “Jogeva”) 2.game, 1.round

6. g3-h4 f6-e5 7. f4-g5 h6:f4 8. c1-b2 a3:e3 9. f2:h8 f4-e3 10. h4-g5 b8-a7 11. h8-b2 c5-b4 12. a5:c3 e3-d2 13.g5-f6

 R. Banevicius (DK “Vitražas”)  – D.V. Krauklis (DK “Hameleons”)  1.game, 1.round Izloze: (gh4 dc5)  2:0

Having played the beginning of the game very quickly, and then its middle, the opponents came to this position. Black had already surrendered in advance in this position and prepared for the inevitable “victims”, internally lost the game.

  1. c3-b4 h6-g5 2. b4:d6 c7:e5 3. b2-c3 b6-a5 4. a3-b4 a7-b6 5. e3-d4 e7-d6 6. a1-b2 b6-c5 7. d4:b6 a5:c7 8. f2-e3 f8-e7 9. e3-d4 g5-f4 10. b2-a3 b8-a7 11. b4-a5 g7-h6 12. a3-b4 h6-g5 13. g1-f2 h8-g7 14. f2-e3 g7-h6 15. c1-b2 c7-b6 16. a5:c7 d8:b6 17. b2-a3 b6-a5 18. d4-c5 f4-g3
R. Banevicius (DK “Vitražas”)  – D.V. Krauklis (DK “Hameleons”)  1.game, 1.round (gh4 dc5) 2:0

Not seeing the difference between the exchange 19….. g3-f4 and the move 19….. g3-h4??. Black stepped towards defeat!

19.h4:f2 g5-h4 20.e3-d4 h6-g5 21.f2-g3 h4:f2 22.e1:g3 g5-h4 23.g3-f4 e5:g3 24.h2:f4 f6-g5 25.f4:h6 h4-g3 26.d2-e3 g3-h2

But everything is not as “prosaic” as it could be.

19. ….. g3-f4! 20. f2-e3 (forced, since the exchange is 20. f2-g3?? a combination of 20 …  a7-b6! , 21. … d6-e5! will follow with a draw ending, and for the remaining moves 20. h2-g3, 20. d2-e3, a simple 20 ….. e7-f6 will follow)

20. …… h4-g3 21. c3-d4 (white is forced to make a combination)a5:e5 22. e3-f4 d6:b4 23. f4:f8 g3-h2 24. a3:c5. 

And now the most interesting thing follows!

R. Banevicius (DK “Vitražas”)  – D.V. Krauklis (DK “Hameleons”)  1.game, 1.round Izloze: (gh4 dc5) 2:0

Black achieves a draw by a simple maneuver.

24. …… h2-g1 25. c5-d6 g1-h2  26. d6-c7 a7-b6! and for any answer from white, black can try to achieve a draw

In a beautiful version : 24. h2-g1 25.c5-d6 g1-h2 26.d6-e7 h2-f4 27. d2-c3 a7-b6! and it seems a beautiful etude draw!, but on the fall of 26. … h2-f4, white can give up a checker and put a king with a move of 27. e7-d8 f4:c1 28. f8-a3 and there is no protection for black.

G. Purviņš (DK “Hameleons”)  – A. Bērsons (DK “Avotu 51”)  1.game, 3.round (1. e3-f4 f6-e5 2. g3-h4 e5:g3 3. h2:f4 b6-a5)  2:0

Striving for standard and “template” games of checkers can cost a player a lot. if he does not consider the danger in time. In this seemingly unremarkable game, you can see the main mistake of the “template” game. So:

1. d2-e3 a7-b6 2. c1-d2 b6-c5 3. c3-b4 a5:c3 4. b2:b6 c7:a5 5. a1-b2 d6-c5 6. b2-c3 e7-d6 7. f2-g3 g7-f6 8. c3-d4 b8-a7 9. d4:b6 a7:c5

G. Purviņš (DK “Hameleons”)  – A. Bērsons (DK “Avotu 51”)  1.game, 3.round

The template game led to the next position in which Guntars, with all his experience, did not leave the opponent a single chance. The technical execution is given.


10. … f6-e5 11.d2-c3 d8-c7 12.h4-g5! f8-e7 13.e1-d2 and black lost.

G. Purviņš (DK “Hameleons”)  – A. Bučinskas (DK “Vitražas”)  1. game, 1. round (h2-c5 f6-h2) 2:0

Here is another game of Guntars Purvinsh, who technically used the opponent’s mistakes when playing the opening.

  1. g3-f4 b6:d4 2. e3:c5 d6:b4 3. a3:c5 g7-f6 4. c3-d4 f6-e5 5. f4:d6 c7:c3 6. b2:d4 h8-g7 7. a1-b2 g7-f6 8. f2-e3 d8-c7 9. b2-c3 c7-b6 10. e3-f4 f6-g5 11. e1-f2 g5:e3 12. d2:f4 

Most likely, Black’s 8th move d8-c7 was the decisive mistake of this construction.

G. Purviņš (DK “Hameleons”)  – A. Bučinskas (DK “Vitražas”)  1. game, 1. round

It seems to me that this position of black is completely hopeless, and therefore it remains only to learn the technique of realizing the advantage from Guntars.

12. …. b8-c7 13. f2-e3 e7-f6 14. f4-e5 f8-e7 15. e5:g7 h6:f8 16. e3-f4 b6-a5 17. d4-e5 f8-g7 18. c3-d4 g7-h6 19. c1-d2 e7-f6 20. e5:g7 h6:f8 21. f4-e5 f8-e7

G. Purviņš (DK “Hameleons”)  – A. Bučinskas (DK “Vitražas”)  1. game, 1. round

22.d2-c3 c7-b6 23.e5-d6 e7-f6 24.d6-e7 f6:d8 25.c5-d6 b6-c5 26.d6:b4 d8-e7 27.d4-e5 a7-b6 28.c3-d4 a5:c3 29.d4:b2 b6-c5 30.e5-d6 e7-f6 31.d6:b4 f6-e5 32.b4-c5 and black lost.

J. Zaharova (DK ‘Avotu 51″)  – N. Nano (DK “Jogeva”) 1. round  2:0

How a position can be turned upside down and back, we can show by the example of the game of two gorgeous and unique girls. Few people make mistakes in the classical position, but it happens that by the will of some factors, players are in a hurry not to simplify the position, but on the contrary to complicate life for themselves and their opponent.

So for example. In a simple position, a natural move of 30. 40-34 with subsequent simplifications and approximately equal position suggests itself, although a checker of “15”  for black can be a decisive factor. But white decided to sharpen the position,

30.42-37?? …. and black, believing white and being afraid of the imaginary threat of a “Bomb” combination, passed by the winning maneuver:

30. … 12-17!! 31. 40-34 17-22 32. 28:17 11:22 gaining a decisive advantage.

In the game, it followed:

30…11-17 31. 27-21 16×27 32. 31×1 16×17 33. 36-31 24-29 34. 33×24 14-20 35.25×14 9×29

J. Zaharova (DK ‘Avotu 51″)  – N. Nano (DK “Jogeva”) 1. round

White did not want to take advantage. Everything was practically a foregone conclusion, having carried out a white exchange 36. 40-34 29:40 37. 45:34 and there was only a technical question. But  followed:

36.31-27 3-83 7.27-21 17-22?? 38.28×17

J. Zaharova (DK ‘Avotu 51″)  – N. Nano (DK “Jogeva”) 1. round

38. … 29-33?? 39.38×29 23×25 40.21-16 12×21 41.16×27 15-20 42.32-28 20-24 43.37-32 and in the future, white still managed to win this position. Fantastic and that’s all!

But if Black had correctly maneuvered with the victim of checkers (Dussau victim), then the result would have been in their favor with an accurate game.

It was necessary to play like this:

38. …. 29-34!! 39. 30:39 18-22! and now there is only one move that gives a chance to defend 40. 48-42 22:44 41. 40:49 and black needs to precisely use the advantage, using the 13-18, 8-13 construction scheme and so on with a breakthrough on the opponent’s left flank. But…. This will all remain in the coach’s box of unused positions.

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