From simple… to hard. Part 16


Author: Erik Maijenburg

According to the materials of foreign press. This section of draughts used to be very popular in draughts material editions. It is good that nowadays there are such draughts players who mark interesting combinational games and ideas. ‘Catch’ in the ocean of draughts game ‘draughts pearls’. One time in a month we are going to publish the findings of different authors on our webpage. Perhaps an idea from here will help you to win in your own draughts game.

Diagram No. 1: 33-29?

Dick van der Velden – Arne van Mourik 0-2, Persoonlijk Kampioenschap UPDB, 03-01-2018
33-29? 24×33 28×39 14-20 25×23 13-19 23×14 03-09 14×03 21-26 03×21 16×47

Diagram No. 2: 43-38?

Hans van Dijk – Hans Zondervan 0-2, Hoofdklasse A, Huizum – DC Friesland, 16-12-2017
43-38? 18-23 29×27 24-30 35×24 20×29 33×24 07-11 16×18 13×35

Diagram No. 3: …17-21?

Bart Terwel – Jannes Kromhout 2-0, Ereklasse, WSDV – CTD Arnhem, 06-01-2018
…17-21? 39-33 28×39 48-43 39×48 31-26 48×31 26×06

Diagram No. 4: 44-39?

Bert Honderd – Gertjan Kolsté 0-2, Eerste klasse A, BDV Borne – Roden/Leek, 09-12-2017
44-39? 27-31 36×27 14-19 23×03 17-21 03×17 21×41

Diagram No. 5: 34-29?

Frank Teer – Wim Kalis 0-2, Halve Finale Kampioenschap van Nederland, 13-01-2018
34-29? 23×34 30×39 21-27 32×23 24-30 35×13 09×40


Diagram No. 6: …18-23?

Johannes Alfaisi – Rodney Lion 2-0, Srefidensi Open 2017, 21-11-2017
…18-23? 25-20 14×21 35-30 24×44 33×02 23×32 02×35

Diagram No. 7: …19-24?

Alexander Schwarzman – Ivan Trofimov 2-0, IMSA Elite Huaian Men Rapid, 10-12-2017
…19-24? 21-17 11×22 38-32 28×48 34-30 48×23 30×10

Diagram No. 8: …8-13?

Cheick Sadibou Drame – Kumar Sookram 2-0, Kolman Turiy Memorial USA Open, 24-11-2017
…08-13? 26-21 17×26 32-27 22×31 33-28 23×32 38×27 31×22 47-41 36×47 40-35 47×24 30×06

Diagram No. 9: 37-31?

Koos van Amerongen – Andrej Kalmakov 0-2, Ereklasse, Dammend Tilburg – Witte van Moort, 09-12-2017
37-31? 27-32 38×27 22-28 23×32 13-19 24×22 17×48 33-28? 16-21 27×18 20-24 29×09 04×35

Diagram No. 10: 36-31?

Bertus de Harder – Jaap Knipper 0-2, Hoofdklasse A, Hijken DTC 2 – Gooi& Eemland, 16-12-2017
36-31? 24-29 34×23 14-20 23×14 13-19 14×23 25-30 35×24 20×47


Diagram No. 11: 41-36?

Lev Gilevych – Peter Litjens 0-2, Nationale Competitie, 2e klasse D, Lent/VBI/-Nijmegen – Brainsport Eindhoven, 09-12-2017
41-36? 24-30 35×24 19×30 28×10 30-34 40×29 09-14 10×19 13×22

Diagram No. 12: …20-24?

Nick de la Fonteyne – Paul Borreman 2-0, Nationale Competitie, 1e klasse A, DC Friesland 2 – Eye T-Webdesign, 09-12-2017
…20-24? 38-33 29×38 32×43 21×32 31-26 18×27 43-38 32×34 40×07


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