A fragment from the book by Y. Kirillov ‘Искусство защиты’. Part 36


It is not always possible to come out of the opening with the best position and at the end to fight for the victory, you also have to defend. Sometimes it seems that the position is already ‘impossible to save’, after a while you will have to give up, but there is the only plan that still leads to a cherished draw.

The art of defense in the draughts game is certainly one of the indicators of the player’s skill. We express our gratitude to Yuri Kirillov for the book of paradoxically drawish positions ‘Искусство защиты’. Perhaps in this book you will find the game that was ‘not saved’.

Diagram No. 181 (black to move)

White have found a good draw.
1… BC5!!  2.HG5!! FH4  3.EF4 CB6  4.FE3 BA5  5.CD4! Draw. (If 1… BA5,  2.FG3 CB6  3.EF4 FE7 /If 3… BC5, 4.FG5 FE7  5.GF4 CB4  6.CD4 BA3!  7.HG7!! FH8  8.DE5 DC5  9.ED6! Draw./  4.CD4 BC5  5.DB6 AC7  6.FG5 CB6  7.GF4 BC5  8.FE5! Draw.)

Diagram No. 182 (black to move)

White have found a good draw.
1… CB6  2.GF2 DC5  3.EF4! BA5!  4.FG3!! CB4 (If 4… ED6, 5.FG5 FE7  6.GF4 CB4  7.CD4 DC5  /If 7… BA3, 8.HG7 FH8  9.DE5! Draw (see above)./)  5.CD4 BA3  6.FE5 AB2  7.EG7 EF6  8.GE5 BA1, draw.

Diagram No. 183 

White have found a good draw.
1.EF4 EG3  2.HF4 EF6  3.EF2 CD6  4.FE3 FE5  5.FG5 CB4  6.GF6!! EG7  7.CD4 GF6  8.AC3 DE5  9.EF4. White achieve the draw.

Diagram No. 184 

White have found an excellent draw.
1.GF2!! FG5  2.DE5!! DC5  3.ED6! CE7  4.GH4! EF6  5.FE5 FD4  6.EC5. Draw.

Diagram No. 185 (black to move)

Black have found a good draw.
1… CD6!  2.CD4 HG5  3.HG3 DE5  4.DF6 GE7  5.GF4 ED6  6.FE3 DC5  7.ED2 DC7!  8.DC3 CB6  9.CD4 BA5  9.DB6 AC7, draw. 


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