A club of unexpected and interesting findings. Part 5

We thank Alexander Getmansky and Yuri Khokhlov for the opportunity to share their interesting findings in Russian and international draughts. We will be happy to publish their wonderful historical materials.
This time the findings will be dedicated to the World Championship in Russian draughts 2024. “Black magic” reigned on all the boards and spared no one. The mistakes were provided by Alexander Getmansky.
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A. Cirponis – A. Artikov, Round 1, Game 2
After losing the first game white desperately went on the attack from the very opening, got a difficult position, which in fact should have been defended. And this is possible after 1. gf4 or 1. cd2, but still with a hard game. But the made move 1. ab2?? forcibly leads to defeat. 1. … hg5 with the threat of winning a piece, and after the exchange 2. gf4 g:e3 3. f:d4 black made a combination 3. … hg3 4. h:f4 de5 5. f:d6 c:a1. |
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A. Artikov – A. Cirponis, Round 1, Game 1 (black to move)
Black after 1. … ba5 and 2. … dc5 probably wanted to get a pleasant position, but white had prepared a breakthrough on the flank. 1. … ba5?? 2. de5! f:f2 3. g:e3 fe7 4. h:f6 e:g5 5. gh4 followed by 7. fg5 with a simple win.
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A. Shiryaev – B. Druzhinin, Round 1, Game 1 (black to move)
Black need precise defense, and in this position it is still possible. Loses, as it was in the game, 1. … gh2?? 2. eb8 hg1 3. ba7, and black do not have a tempo to record a draw. To make a draw it is necessary to solve one of the two tasks: to drive the opponent off the high road or to change a piece. This is achieved after 1. … ba5! 2. ec3 gh2 with the threat of an attack on the piece b4, therefore 3. bc5 hg1 4. cd6 ab4 with a draw. |
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N. Struchkov – O. Karoboshev, Round 1, Game 2
A well-known and often encountered position. Loses 1. … de5? 2. f:d6 c:e7, and you can win, as it was in the game, 3. ef4. It is necessary to carry out a combination 1. … fe5! 2. d:f6 cd4 3. e:e7 bc5 4. b:d6 c:e1 5. ef8 Let’s look at the following diagram.
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N. Struchkov – O. Karoboshev, Round 1, Game 2
Next a little precision is needed. The simplest draw is 5. … hg3 6. fc5 gh2 7. cg1 fixing one opponent’s queen. 7. … eg3 8. fg7 ba7, and then ply the queen from the field g3 to b8 and back, no threats from white pass.