A club of unexpected and interesting findings. Part 2


We thank Alexander Getmansky and Yuri Khokhlov for the opportunity to share their interesting findings in Russian and international draughts. We will be happy to publish their wonderful historical materials.

April 22, 2024. Kemer. The first stage of the World Cup of the 2024/2025 season. Brazilian version. Blitz. The 3rd round. Yuri Korolev (Tula) – Murodullo Amrillaev (Sterlitamak). The first game of the micro match 2-0. Total = 1-1.

Black has overdevelopment at 14 rates!

17. …  a3-b2? Black knew this position, but confused that it was necessary to sacrifice differently – by means of:

17. …  c5-b4* 18. d2-c3  b4:d2  19. c1:g5

Here black gets a draw from any of the four quiet moves!

19. …  e5-d4  20. g5-f6 (see diagram No. 2)

Here black does not need to rush to the kings, they must first adjust the exchange on the b2 field as follows:

20. …  d6-e5  21. f6-g7  b6-a5  = etc.

18. a1:c3  Otherwise you cannot hit because of a drawish combination! (According to the Brazilian version!)

18. …  c5-d4  19. c1-b2 (see diagram No. 3)

Black will still get into the kings thanks to the combination!

19. …  f4-e3*  20. d2:f4  d6-c5  21. f4:b4  b6-a5  22. c3:e5  a5:a1  23. e5-d6  a1-d4

White lose their piece, but gain control of the main diagonal!

24. g3-f4  d4:g1  25. f4-e5 X  (see diagram No. 4)

Black did not wait for Petrov’s triangle here, concentrating on the second game of the micromatch, where they were able to put the squeeze on the best color and fight back! Immediately after the end of the match both opponents demonstrated long computer options till the last piece, which remained behind the scenes! The hot confrontation between two legendary theoretical heavyweights in a sharp flying game by lot a3>e5 h8>a3 ended in a draw!
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