Happy New Year 2025! May Comfort and Love reign in your homes!


In our difficult time of replacing moral principles with material goals, without the constructive idea of the community of all and the equal value of everyone before God, it is very difficult to preserve the most important thing – Love and Respect for a Person. It can be difficult to maintain Decency, Self-Loyalty, and Humanity.

Money, egocentrism and ambition, as well as fragmented perception of reality, along with the primitivism of hobbies, have become a real scourge of our time. Some have begun to forget their History, their Culture, and many other things that form the basis of our life on Earth.

But.. We will overcome all the difficulties and trials that have been given to us! And we will become even stronger!

We thank our subscribers, readers, draughts players and everyone who was with us in 2024! Thank you for your trust in us! We will try to work for you and become better, more dynamic and follow all the changes in the world of draughts!

We wish you all a Happy New Year 2025 and wish that your families are strong, that Comfort and Love reign at home, that Luck accompanies you and Fortune favors you in business! Let adversity pass you by! Be happy!

Love Draughts, and they’ll love you back!

Happy New Year 2025!

 Albatross.land team

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