The main thing is to have time to change your shoes

December has begun in the yard. Cars “change shoes”, sometimes people try to change shoes. Unexpectedly, the general secretary of a large organization came to the national championship. And this is always an intrigue! After all, the whole world already knows how much he loves Russian draughts!
The Secretary General’s love of Russian draughts is well known. Especially to the IDF. Everyone remembers his call last year to the IDF president. And this year’s statement about the attitude of Russian and Belarusian athletes was permeated with paternal care. A real politician.
What still pleases me is his consistency and integrity. However, there is also an ironic moment. Playing Russian checkers at the national championship using old paper draw tables is a strong move to meet with the electorate.
When will the clowns stop controlling us? Apparently, when the electorate changes.
By the way, another principled coach played Russian checkers from the big three letters club. He was the main architect of the local competition calendar, and one in which there have been no tournaments significant for the training process for the last six months.
And what about the level of the game? Maybe we were wrong when we wrote about grandmothers in the classics? No. Unfortunately, no. The level is low.
We congratulate Andris Keisels (who has not been actively playing for about 30 years) and Martinsh Junkurens (who has not played in big tournaments for the last 10 years) on winning and winning gold medals. They could adequately represent the country in the international arena. It’s a pity they can’t. Their skills and knowledge could help the young players.