Old robbers and one Pirate!

Nowhere are veterans more welcome than in the Pension Fund and in the Latvian Veterans Championship. Girls after 50 are especially expected, although those who have turned 60 may also be suitable.
All members of the blitz and rapid tournaments in the RNA premises gradually moved to the Latvian Veterans Championship in a week. It’s sad to watch a veteran grandmaster once again score 100%, clearly having fun and wasting his time.
We are happy for a representative of one of the advanced mass media portals, a well-known blogger of Dutch sites, in which he has already become blocked. After all, his analyses were so clean that the Dutch draughts players decided to block him, fearing that the secrets of the computer analysis of this player would go out into the public space of his website.
To consider the results among students, of which perhaps two people can boast of being a student, we decided to publish them to make it even funnier.