Knock on the door Bom-bom-bom! They’ll open it for you!


On Saturday the next Latvian championship in Russian draughts, aimed at the development of draughts sports, will be held in closed rooms.

Considering the refusal to take part in the World Championship in Russian Draughts next year, this competition is the most important event of the year. An event where are no broadcasts, no photographers and the Zoom platform, thanks to which our federation maintains the development of draughts sports in the country. Soon with such a stunning development the federation will have a parent committee and teenage players to make progressive decisions. The main thing is that all the colors of the draughts rainbow should be present. So there is a growth perspective.

In the meantime here are the technical results and our little survey which we plan to publish constantly in the future.

You can see the results here.

Which team will win the Latvian International draughts (8*8) Team Championship?

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