Four grandmothers and two young maidens. Almost a Square.

When they say that checkers are dying, we have to agree with this opinion. Especially watching the championships of the countries of proud and mendicant federations. The collapse is proceeding at a pace that is ahead of even our economic forecasts. That does not prevent some acrobatic brothers and psychological managers in the leadership from continuing their intellectual discoveries.
With 5 heads of the proud and mendicant federation, 6 and 8 people gather for the national championship, respectively. And this is even with two members playing.. the board.
What do you think four grandmothers can teach who don’t go anywhere and will never get anywhere outside of such a championship? By the way, to get to this final, just don’t laugh, a qualifying tournament was organized. DBL BLD.
Where will the Latvian champion go?… All these national championships are like a meeting of alcoholism addicts in a village club for the interests of elderly residents of this village.
And yet: We pay tribute to the courage and dedication of the young players Denijs, Vilhelms Krauklis, Everts, Rūdolfs Lepsis, Maksims, Žiņevičs, Anna, Ļebedinska, Olga, Protopopova. It is on such people that our sport still rests. And we would advise them to start working with the Hameleons club to preserve and develop their careers. We personally invite them to Bratislava in December.
And where are the representatives of the three-letter club? Right. They went for three letters. Their clown brothers make you laugh. Especially when combined with the word men. Three letters – they are magical. That’s how they beckon.
However, the results of grandparents are lower: