A minute of draughts sarcasm: We will cook frittata-tata-tata

Success must be consolidated! We had no time to rejoice at the last Riga Championship in Russian draughts, when suddenly the semi-final of the Latvian championship broke out. You won’t believe it! 4 girls and 13 boys came. And the tables were not published on purpose, hiding from our sharp eyes.
As the secretary of God, the secretary of the chief, the general secretary of the international federation wrote in one of the chats (just think about who runs draughts in the world!): “We will develop the Brazilian version of draughts after coordination with the neighbours” (Here the participants of the Latgale Draughts League rejoiced: “Finally!”. They’ve been dreaming about it for a long time.).
In general the Russian draughts in Latvia have come to a standstill. Now in the near future coaches Hunario Vipulito and Havias Podbambucas will start teaching Brazilian draughts to everyone. And the first Brazilian Draughts Cup in the Baltic States will be held with a prize fund in the form of bananas, such as maracas-bananas.
But this is just the beginning. After all, there is still the collapse of the international draughts ahead. And we are beginning to guess that their collapse is scheduled for the next two years. We have never seen businessmen who would refuse to sell pies if the same pies are selling well at a neighbour’s.
An amendment is being made to the theory of dinosaur life at the moment: dinosaurs didn’t die from lack of food or starvation. It has been reliably established that they died because their brains dried up.
We are putting on this video clip especially for the management.