Quickly…vital…lots of air…
Continuing a phrase from an old comedy movie, we would add: “We should have richer frames..The semifinals of the Latvian International Draughts Championship are taking place on a large board this weekend.
Continuing a phrase from an old comedy movie, we would add: “We should have richer frames..The semifinals of the Latvian International Draughts Championship are taking place on a large board this weekend.
Bauska won the national championship among Russian draughts teams in Latvia! Since Soviet times, the Russian draughts school has been extremely strong. Back in the days of Laimonis Zalitis, it was not easy to defeat the guys from Bauska.
The school hall in Liepup has smoothly moved to the sports hall of the school in Jelgava. And during these five years of the reign of the sweet-voiced Secretary General, nothing has changed. On the contrary, it has worsened. Except for the brilliant three letters.
December has begun in the yard. Cars “change shoes”, sometimes people try to change shoes. Unexpectedly, the general secretary of a large organization came to the national championship. And this is always an intrigue! After all, the whole world already knows how much he loves Russian draughts!
When they say that checkers are dying, we have to agree with this opinion. Especially watching the championships of the countries of proud and mendicant federations. The collapse is proceeding at a pace that is ahead of even our economic forecasts. That does not prevent some acrobatic brothers and psychological managers in the leadership from continuing their intellectual discoveries.
The family tradition of winning any tournament, in every game, continues. Robert Misans and his brave companions: Malvina and Alice Misans, as well as the talented Peteris Kripans, ahead of schedule, two rounds before the end of the tournament, became Latvian champions in the team competition! Congratulations!
This weekend the Latvian championships among boys and girls in international draughts in Rapid and Blitz programs will be held.