On July 23 the Russian draughts’ match St. Petersburg — Moscow will take place

Who will win this interesting match? Experienced draughts players from St. Petersburg under the command of R. Shukin, G. Taranin and N. Leopoldova or a team from Moscow under the leadership of N. Slavyanov and A. Ageikin? We’ll find out today!
Moscow – Leningrad matches have been held since the 30s of the 20th century. The legendary Vasily Sokov and Igor Timkovsky led the national teams of Leningrad and Moscow. The last matches were held in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the beginning of the XXI century.
In 2020 an online match was held for the first time. In 2023 the teams of St. Petersburg and Moscow will meet again in a face-to-face format. An online broadcast of the match will be organized.
Full information on the website of the Draughts Federation of St. Petersburg here.