Devaluation of the title of world blitz champions


Gradually, the crisis in the draughts world is becoming clearer. New centers of power are emerging and the division into groups may at some time affect the existence of the sport as a whole. In the meantime, there is a devaluation of sports titles.

Now any tournament held under the auspices of FMJD can be immediately considered a world championship. And it is possible to make world champions in a year in all proud federations in an amount exceeding the number of players in one single country. However, not everyone has the money in these proud federations to fly somewhere. For example, to Africa.

So the next World blitz championship has become another farce. Without detracting from the merits of Alexander Mikhailovich Shvartsman and other players, it is still impossible to call a World Championship tournament without more than half of the countries included in FMJD.

But…The titles have been assigned. It’s funny and sad, and there’s no one to pour the liquid.

The results of the World Cup in China and the so-called World Blitz Championships can be found below.

World cup  /  Women Blitz Men Blitz  /

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