And what if Ular says ‘no’ one day?! (results of blitz added)

Let’s start our article with an old question from Odessa: ‘Sema, what will you have from this? And do you need this?’ Do the leaders of the proud federations know the answer to this question – we are not sure about that.
As the unforgettable Zhvanetsky said: “If you are without brains, then wherever you go, it turns out forward!”
Recently very proud and financially unstable federations have shown other federations one place in their pants and declared their own way. And this path has been so clearly outlined that many have had a halo lit up over their heads and even wings have grown. Having gathered all their strength, will and skills in one place, they announced the Baltic Draughts Cup. Having persuaded Ular to change the name of the tournament they swiftly punished financially independent and their children, and also tried to be rude to parents.
And what do we see? Only 28 people came to the tournament in Jogeva. At the same time very proud federations have sent exactly as much participants as is enough to indicate that you have sent someone somewhere. It’s good that at least to the tournament.
And moreover… After the terrible news of Arunas’ death another problem of these proud federations thinking not far away became very clear… For the near future… Maybe for a day… Who knows these proud ones. But… in terms of the death of Arunas it became clear that draughts’ world is built on very close ties, on personal relationships, on contacts which should be supported. And this is what allows you to conduct a dialogue, find common ground and organize something in the draughts’ space. And the leaders of proud and money-independent federations do not know how to do this. Absolutely!
Driven by political ambitions and fears, they destroy everything around them. After all think about it – they have punished Boris Ivanovich Druzhinin in his 83 years for his love for draughts. They continue to punish children not creating anything and not being able to. But this narrow-mindeness is welcomed. But that’s for now. Until it finally falls apart… It won’t last long. And the fable, part two, is already on the way.
As for the tournament in Jogeva… We have a great respect for Ular. Let him have enough strength and patience. After all, only a few can organize a tournament with such an attitude to draughts. Let’s hope that one day he does not say: ‘Enough. I’m leaving!’
We wish health to Boris Ivanovich who, despite having suffered a stroke, continues to love our game. And goes to the tournaments. Independently and on his own money.
You will find the results here: