We are announcing a literary contest: “The best note about draughts for children!”

In our time of development of bloggers and social networks, to our surprise, the number of good and kind children’s writers is decreasing. The children’s pages about checkers on various websites have completely disappeared. And we decided…
To announce a contest for the best note about draughts for children! We are looking for talented and kind writers, journalists and bloggers who can and can tell children about draughts! We remember the time of the wonderful notes about our secretary in the magazine “Шашки”.
Terms of the competition:
- You are sending an interesting note about draughts for children until February 14, 2025. It can be several materials at once or material from several chapters. It can be a funny story about draughts or a story about a tournament. But! A must for children! We accept materials in Russian, English and French.
- The members of our jury will evaluate: stylistics, literacy of speech, interesting and original presentation of the material.
- The jury members will determine the winners by March 1, 2025. The best works will be published.
- The best author will receive a symbolic cash prize from us (from 50 euros and above), as well as the opportunity to receive a paid author’s column on our website on an ongoing basis.
- Please send the materials by e-mail: diagonale@albatross.land
We believe that there are still literary geniuses and talented authors in our ranks!