Aborigines and boomerang (the results of the year together with the program ‘Three in a boat, regardless of anyone’)

We remember this great triple alliance of draughts powers. We also remember the greatness with which they prepared for us a fate without draughts, boards and clocks. And also cowardice, sometimes pronounced, among recent ‘men’. The result is ‘blurred eyes’, they do not see anything beyond their nose…
We can see the result of this sovereign alliance at the end of the year. After all, the boomerang returned to them without us. Although they say that it has not yet reached the destination… So:
1. The most mobile federation at the time of signing the document of the three powers:
а). Has not returned ‘Draughts League-2022’ Cup.
b). Has completely lost the rooms of the draughts club in Vilnius, whose history dates back to the middle of the last century.
c). One of the sponsors and organizers, a man who invested a lot of money in draughts in this country, resigned from the post of president of the Federation. It is unclear who will invest, given the economic situation.
d). Given the economic situation and the lack of significant success, it is worth waiting for a further loss of ‘leading’ positions in the world of draughts, based on the fact that the main type of draughts before the adoption of the document were Russian draughts.
2. The most ambitious federation with the president on the Internet:
a). During the existence of the online-president, Latvia’s most professional draughts club, led by Robert and Olesya Misane, was liquidated.
b). During the existence of the online-president children’s and youth tournaments have been completely eliminated. At the moment children’s competitions are held in a cold room, closed on an alarm system, for the development of draughts sports. Adults began to play with the children, who are becoming fewer with each tournament. But the owner of the room is happy (apparently, while his children are playing).
c). Given the economic situation and the lack of significant success, it is worth waiting for a further loss of ‘leading’ positions in the world of draughts, if full-fledged competitions among strong players return.
d). Refused to introduce electronic systems for planning, accounting and data storage.
3. The smallest federation, but very ambitious, given the number of world-class coaches.
a) They refused to cooperate with the IDF, but still gave the opportunity to parents of children who want to achieve high results in sports to attend tournaments at their own expense.
b) A tournament in one great place with an excellent organizer risks being re-qualified into a competition in international draughts under a big name. Already this year the number of participants would make us as organizers cry.
c). Given the economic situation and the lack of significant success, it is worth waiting for a further loss of ‘leading’ positions in the world of draughts, if full-fledged competitions among strong players return.
We sincerely congratulate these principled leaders and powerful authorities in the world of draughts. Continue your draughts development activities in your regions and organize more tournaments among yourself, so that you have something to be proud of.