Vsevolod Mitrevich won another Chameleon final!


Vsevolod Mitrevich won the finals of the tournaments of our club “Chameleon 2023” in the new format. According to the good old tradition, guests from Estonia visited our club. who showed a decent game.

The first prize almost without competition went to Vsevolod Mitrevich. Good game practice and the absence of the main competitor Peteris kripans made it possible to easily replenish the piggy bank of gold medals.
I would also like to note the participation of two players from coach Maris Mitenberg, who himself participates in the World Championship in international draughts in Turkey for people with disabilities.
There Maris competes for the second time this year with athletes from Russia and the Republic of Belarus, but this does not prevent him from actively participating in the draughts life of Latvia and receiving state funding for the championship, where athletes from Russia participate.
But our warm words to Marisa’s children and their parents for their endurance and patience, as they had to. even in such a small composition, to show character in some parties. Thank you for their participation and we could not congratulate them with symbolic gifts from us!
Otherwise, the warm atmosphere and friendship of our draughts players continues, and we promise to surprise our friends more than once
Results here 

You will find the Regulation here


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