“Albatross” visiting Franz Liszt

Our ‘Albatross’ and ‘Hameleons’ tournaments had a successful debut in Budapest. The international tour of youth and children’s Russian and international draughts tournaments in Europe has started. The homeland of Franz Liszt welcomed us cordially and warmly.
Each of our tournaments has an extraordinary atmosphere and its own unique feature, an event within the tournament. And this time, the Hungarian draughts players contributed their own atmosphere, their attitude to the tournament.
We saw a great desire to play! The desire to play to the end and spend all the time control on the game! We saw kindness and a lot of smiles, irony and burning eyes! What else is needed for tournaments among boys and girls.
We remembered a lot of names and we turned our attention to many players. First of all, this is the cheerful Kitti Meszesán, who played two tournaments at the same time on the same day, while not forgetting to support the players from her team. This is also Dániel Buda Pauer, who showed a combative character in some games and was not afraid of any player with a name in the Russian draughts tournament. Therefore, his second place looks like a worthy reward for these qualities. And how not to mention Noémi Balogh! In two tournaments she took the top places (two third places). Or Bence Andicsku, who won the tournament in international draughts in his group and took third place in a very good company in Russian draughts. It is also worth noting that Bence Andicsku in the last round of the team tournament put up strong resistance to Mark Kamynin, who needed to use almost all time control to win.
Of course, we remembered Katalin Meszesán as the most spectacular draughts player from Hungary, and Anna Vecsei, who received a special prize from the delegation from Hungary. It was Anna who scored the most points in the Hungarian team in the adult tournament. We will not be able to list all of them in one article, but believe us, we have remembered many.
The tournament was held at a fairly high level, and we hope that the specified quality parameter will allow us to increase the number of players several times in the future.
We will share the photos soon, but for now once again the tables: Albatross I Hameleons
‘Albatross’ and ‘Hameleons’ forever!