Albatross and Hameleons tournaments are conquering Europe!

From 2024, all children’s tournaments and other tournaments of the Diagonal group will be held in the most beautiful cities of Europe and are unlikely to return to Latvia. During a short period of summer, Diagonal Group revised its development strategy and, having signed several agreements with European companies, will begin to develop its tournament network in Europe and maybe somewhere else.
After the closure of the Domatpriex professional club, it became obvious that it was possible to put a cross on the development of draughts in Latvia. The departure of a professional club, with money and willingness to invest in checkers, was the last sign for us that there is no future for checkers in Latvia. We refused to invest in the absolute abyss and hopelessness.
There remain: state-funded coaches who are absolutely unable to influence any changes, an absolute drop in skill, low (to put it mildly) quality of tournaments and the futility of sports as such. In the near future, the development of checkers on a small board will be completely buried, and the spinelessness of the coaches will put checkers on a stock-cell board on the verge of survival. The main principle will remain – we play just like that!
But.. today is not about that.
Children’s tournaments, so beloved by children, continue their development! This year we will hold the first two tournaments in Budapest, and then in 2024 4 European cities with traditions and love for draughts are waiting for us. We keep the countries in which the tournaments will be held a little secret, but one of the cities that will host our tournaments is in France… However, you will learn about everything in time…
So, what you need to know!
From December 15 to December 17, 2023, we are holding children’s tournaments “Albatross” and “Hameleons” in the capital of Hungary – Budapest. Having already assembled the main team, we announce, for those who wish to take part in it, the acceptance of applications until October 29, 2023. You can register by sending an application to our email address.
We remind you that the organizers of the tournament must confirm your participation!
We invite everyone interested and willing to feel the atmosphere of our tournaments again.
Regulations “Albatross”
Regulations “Hameleons”
The composition of the first tournament “Albatross”